What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean?

October 14, 2024by @Tws_AD0

What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean?

Angel numbers are rooted in numerology and are said to contain messages from the spiritual world

Angel Numbers.

If you look closely enough, you might find that the universe is sending you signs — at least, that’s the belief behind angel numbers.

Whether seen on a license plate or an alarm clock, angel numbers are a sequence of repeated numbers that are said to hold personal and spiritual significance. Angel numbers are rooted in numerology, which dates back to ancient times, astrologer and bestselling author Adrita Khan tells PEOPLE.

“[Numerology] is based on Babylonian and Kabbalistic study, some of which are found in the Old Testament,” Adrita says. “The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, a mathematician, thought that the physical world aligned with an energetic sequence of numbers and developed the study of interconnectivity through numbers.”

In summary, the celebrity astrologer adds, “Basically, numbers have meaning that correspond to our life path.”

Angel numbers can appear in a variety of places and each sequence is said to hold unique significance. Here is everything to know about angel numbers and what they mean.

What are angel numbers?

According to Adrita, the term “angel numbers” is commonly attributed to author Doreen Virtue due to her 2005 book of the same name. As Virtue claims in the book, angel numbers serve as guidance from the spirit world.

“Angel numbers are the universe’s way of telling us what path we should take in life,” Adrita explains. “They represent significance because they are telling us divine messages that we need to hear to know how we should move forward. They usually come in sequences of three or more, and the combination connects to the spiritual journey that you should take.”

For example, you may find yourself looking at the clock at 3:33 every day or notice repeated patterns in phone numbers or license plates.

What are my angel numbers?

Each person’s angel numbers can be different depending on a variety of factors, but Adrita says it’s important to pay attention to patterns. When a repeated number sequence pops up frequently, she notes that this could be a message from the universe.

“Your guardian angels are sending you messages through these numbers, so it’s important to pay attention to them when they appear,” she says. “Whether it’s on a clock, license plate, or anywhere else, these numbers can provide guidance and direction on your path.”

What do angel numbers mean?

Each set of angel numbers, ranging from 000 to 999, carries a unique meaning, says Adrita.

“They guide us in moving forward or being cautious, as well as drawing our attention to what we should be focusing on and any unanticipated information we should be aware of,” she explains.

Here is everything to know about what each angel number means.

Angel Numbers 000.000 signifies new beginnings — which can be both exciting and dangerous.“Although new opportunities may be on the horizon, it’s important to proceed with caution since the outcome and the path to achieving it are still uncertain,” she says.

Angel Numbers 111.
If you see 1’s repeated, it may be time to start manifesting, Adrita says. The astrologer adds that it’s important to set clear intentions during this time.“While the universe may have a grander plan for you, it is crucial to be specific about what you desire,” Adrita explains. “Changes may occur along the way, but this moment is crucial as it marks the beginning of manifesting your hopes and gaining clarity on what you truly want.”
Angel Numbers 222.

Adrita says this sequence can signal a potential romantic relationship or harmony in your current partnership. It also signifies abundance, both professionally and personally. Keep in mind that you need to work towards your goals and that you are meant to have a connection with someone special,” she says.


Angel Numbers 333.


“If you’re feeling stagnant, this sequence of numbers suggests it’s time to grow and put your plans into action,” says Adrita, adding that this can apply to career, finances and relationships.



Angel Numbers 444.


4’s convey a message of groundedness and assuredness, Adrita says. “This time of stability and security is marked with success,” she adds. “The grounding energy helps us adopt a practical mindset and infuse our lives with clarity, evolution and progress through consistency.”


Angel Numbers 555.


“This series of numbers represents change, luck and transformation,” Adrita explains. “It is also a time marked with growth and autonomy, so we should embrace the adaptability in life and go with the flow.”


Angel Numbers 666.

Despite any negative associations with this sequence — some religions associate the number with the devil — Adrita says 666 means you should take time to reflect and seek balance.“Maintaining a sense of harmony in life is crucial to tapping into our full potential and embracing the endless possibilities of our journey,” she says. “It provides us with the opportunity to resolve conflicts and contemplate our direction, ultimately leading us to a peaceful state of mind.”

Angel Numbers 777.
7’s are a sign that you should trust yourself and continue on your spiritual journey, Adrita says.“Remember, putting faith in yourself will ultimately lead to success,” she adds. “You got this!”


Angel Numbers 888.

8’s signal that abundance is right around the corner and that it’s necessary to plan accordingly, Adrita explains.“With the blessings of prosperity and abundance flowing towards you, it’s crucial to manage the money and gifts you are receiving from the universe effectively,” she advises. “This will help you build your dreams and turn them into reality.”

Angel Numbers 999. -“The sequence of numbers suggests that the creative process is nearing completion, and the universe is urging you to finish up your pending projects,” Adrita says of 999. “Doing so will pave the way for your next big opportunity, which could lead to your success. Remember, this is the end of one chapter, but the start of a new one, so gear up for exciting times ahead.”

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